President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have been a subject of intense scrutiny and debate since the early days of his presidency. His approval ratings have hovered around 40%, lower than any other president at this point in their term since Harry Truman. The question of whether these ratings are indicative of his presidency’s success or failure is a complex one. To assess this, it’s crucial to consider various factors, including his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, legislative accomplishments, economic challenges, and foreign policy decisions. This comprehensive analysis will explore both sides of the argument, examining the arguments for Biden’s presidency being a success and those for it being a failure.

Arguments for Biden’s Approval ratings Presidency Being a Success

  1. Effective Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic: One of the primary arguments in favor of President Biden’s success is his administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden’s approval ratings took office amid a public health crisis, and his administration swiftly rolled out a nationwide vaccination campaign, which resulted in over 200 million Americans being vaccinated. The American Rescue Plan, signed into law by Biden, provided crucial economic relief to individuals and businesses impacted by the pandemic. These actions helped mitigate the health and economic impacts of the virus.
  2. Legislative Achievements: Another key argument in support of Biden’s approval ratings presidency being a success is his legislative accomplishments. The passage of the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion economic relief package, was a significant achievement. Additionally, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which allocates $1 trillion for infrastructure projects, reflects bipartisan cooperation and addresses long-standing infrastructure needs.
  3. Progress on Critical Issues: Biden has made strides in addressing critical issues such as climate change and racial justice. Rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change and pursuing an aggressive climate agenda has been commended by environmental advocates. Moreover, his administration has taken steps to address systemic racism, such as executive actions and nominations that promote diversity and equity.
  4. Restoring Diplomacy: President Biden has sought to rebuild diplomatic relations with allies and partners, particularly after the tumultuous period of the previous administration. His approach to foreign policy, while not without challenges, has been praised for restoring a sense of international cooperation and stability.

Arguments for Biden’s Presidency Being a Failure

  1. Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic: Despite the vaccination efforts, the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing. New variants have emerged, and there are concerns about vaccine distribution globally. Some argue that the persistence of the pandemic reflects a failure to completely control the virus’s spread.
  2. Failure to Pass Build Back Better Agenda: One of the core aspects of Biden’s presidential agenda, the Build Back Better plan, has faced significant hurdles in Congress. This ambitious plan aimed to invest trillions of dollars in areas such as childcare, education, and healthcare. Its inability to gain traction raises questions about the effectiveness of Biden’s legislative strategy and his ability to deliver on key promises.
  3. Afghanistan Withdrawal: The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan was a major foreign policy decision that received widespread criticism. The chaotic and poorly managed exit, coupled with the tragic deaths of 13 U.S. service members in a terrorist attack, raised concerns about the administration’s handling of the situation. Many viewed it as a failure in terms of execution and the potential consequences for regional stability.
  4. Inflation and Rising Costs: Inflation reached a 40-year high during Biden’s approval ratings presidency, and the rising cost of living has affected many Americans. Critics argue that his administration has not effectively addressed these economic challenges, leaving families struggling to make ends meet.


In evaluating President Biden’s approval ratings as a sign of his presidency’s success or failure, it is evident that both sides of the argument have valid points. His administration has achieved significant milestones, particularly in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and passing critical legislation. On the other hand, challenges like the Afghanistan withdrawal and the inability to pass the Build Back Better agenda have raised concerns.

Ultimately, assessing the success or failure of a presidency is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. It requires considering a wide range of factors, including both domestic and foreign policy, legislative achievements, and economic conditions. Public opinion, as reflected in approval ratings, is just one facet of this evaluation.

In the end, the verdict on President Biden’s approval ratings presidency will likely continue to evolve as his term progresses and as historians and analysts conduct more comprehensive assessments in the years to come. What is clear, however, is that his presidency, like those before him, is marked by a mix of achievements and challenges that shape the nation’s trajectory.

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